Saturday, September 18, 2010

Lovely Melia and Aunt Diane just chilling.

As one of the games we played we had a photo scavanger hunt. We had to take pictures of us doing different things. The one above is four monkeys in a tree. Others were two people drinking out of the same cup, two people doing handstands, a person in the port o potty, and a three person pyramid. Scott truly did an awesome job in planning everything and we had so much fun.

I absolutely adore this picture! Jayla and her Papi.

The traditional group picture. I stole all of these pictures from Scott because I didn't take any. So thanks Scott. We spent the whole reunion laughing and again I don't know how I got so lucky with these weird wonderful people as my family. My brother Wade found this quote and I think it fits us perfectly. ‎"I think laughter is more important than a family vacation because it’s always available and it’s free. Vacations are not. Big family events and vacations are wonderful, but these will not replace the daily humor and laughter in a home. Laughter is like getting away without going away. It gives you a break." - Gary K. Palmer

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