Saturday, September 18, 2010

Big Hirschi Reunion

So I know this post is like 2 months late but at least I'm getting it in. We had our annual Hirschi Family Reunion at beautiful Sunrise at the top of Logan Canyon. It is one of our favorite places to camp and it has so many memories from now to the time when we were little kids. The picture above is us at the trailhead of Limber Pine Trail.

Here we are at Bear Lake. This is also one of our favorite places. The beach is great for building sand castles and the water is so blue and clear. (Sorry the pictures are blurry but I had a smudge on my lense)

Okay, so I'm annoyed that this picture isn't right-side up but this is hiking on the Limber Pine Trail.

There is a little hiking path that starts in the campground and leads to this view over Bear Lake.

Melia's first time at the lake. She got a little sunburn but never seemed to complain about it. Isn't she so cute!?
I know I've said this before but MY FAMILY IS THE BEST! We laugh so much when we are together and I don't know how I got so lucky to grow up with the greatest grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Querido amigo Daniel, te felicito por la familia que has formado
Tu te mereces ser muy feliz porque siempre estuviste ayudando a quien lo necesitaba como lo hiciste conmigo en su momento y por eso Dios te bendice con esta familia hermosa que tienes
Un abrazo enorme para ti y para Kristi.