Monday, December 1, 2008

So much to give

When Daniel was in Uruguay he met and fell in love with a little girl. She is 15 months old, her mother died when she was 5 months old, her father has basically abandoned her, and she is blind. Daniel's father and his girlfriend, who are both in their mid-60s, have taken her in even though they barely have enough money for themselves. Daniel says that this girl is so beautiful and despite everything she is always happy and smiling. We looked into what it would take to adopt her and bring her here but Uruguay regulations make it nearly impossible to do so. For the past couple of days I've been gathering some stuff to send to her. As I was going through Jayla's old clothes I was overwhelmed by the realization that I am so lucky and blessed. We have more than enough for what we need. Meanwhile, this little girl is going without clean clothes and proper food and has no toys to play with. It breaks my heart that I can't do more for her. We're going to try and send money for her whenever we can but it won't be near enough for what she needs. She needs a loving home where there are people capable to provide her with things and the special attention she requires. I think after having kids I am more sensitive in these situations because I just imagine if my kids had to go through that. I pray that our contributions will be enough to help her live a happier life. We have so much to give, so how can we not.

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