Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Can I Really Do This?

When my Jayla was born she was the sweetest baby. She hardly ever cried and I didn't realize how little she cried until I had my second one. She was so easygoing and most the time happy. She made the transition into motherhood a lot easier. Around her being 22 months old things started to change. I think she was replaced in the night with her evil twin. Well, maybe not something that drastic but she does have her multiple personality moments. It first started as the terrible two tantrums which I thought I was handling okay but she's started something new. She's starting to talk back to me. Not so much talking but more like grunting, screaming, and pointing her finger at me. She's also hitting and pushing Blake thinking that she's the boss. I thought that I would know how to handle these things but turns out that I'm pretty clueless. Things that I have tried are not working and I'm losing my patience. I look back and that baby thing was easy. This stage is a whole new ball game. Am I sure that I can really do this? Whenever I'm challenged with something new I always try to tell myself to take one day at a time and things will naturally get easier. Does it really apply to this? I know that if my mom is reading this she is probably laughing. Laughing so hard that she is crying. She's thinking that it's finally pay back time and she's right.


Shae said...

It's definitely the stage! As I was reading this, I was thinking that *I* was the one who had written this because it desribes my life to a T. Micah was such a docile and easy baby...we had our moments when he was two and such, but still really good. It wasn't until Mariah started walking and getting into things, that the flip switched. It was as if you could read his mind, and it was saying, "You mean, I don't *have* to sit and be quiet? I can get into trouble, too?" That's when it started for me! both of the kids can terrorize the house in a matter of less than 5 minutes! lol

The baby thing is way easy...I forgot how easy, until Mercedes was born. I am cherishing every "baby" moment I have with her, because I know eventually...she'll turn into the other two! hehehe :)

Good luck! We should get together sometime...maybe after the holidays have settled down.

Anonymous said...

Have you tried Time out. It worked for me. I'm sure your sick of my advice but I feel like I'm just one step ahead of you with all this fun stuff. :)I did just like super nanny does 1 min per year. Makayla has been acting up A LOT lately so I finally did it and after I saw it through to the end several times I have noticed a difference in her attitude. A couple of times it took her over a half hour to sit in her corner for four minutes straight. I used to give in and let her out all the time before we actually made it but then they just think that you will give in. Haden responded much more quickly. I've even had to do it recently while we were shopping, like if you let her walk make time out in the cart or something like that. I always ask her calmly to stop and give her one chance I will even say this is your 1 chance, Also I ALWAYS set an alarm because when they hear that bell they know it's over otherwise she asks me every 30 seconds if she is done. She still asks, but not as often but now I say "did you hear the alarm" Every time they get up before time is up I put them back and say your 4 (or 3) min starts now, even if the timer goes off 5 sec after they get up. I don't know if it will help you, I tried "time out" before but I always gave in I never saw it through. Also I have tried REALLY hard, it takes everything I've got sometimes, but I try not to yell or make a big deal when she is talking back or being mean, I think that is a big key because that is what they are looking for. Makyala is just annoying in time out but Haden cries which is much harder on me but lucky for me he always sits the 3 min and never longer. Good luck finding what will work for you.

Scott Tauhere Hirschi said...

I don't want kids anymore..haha.

Kim said...

Thus the joys of having a girl. I am there every day, and yes it does get easier. Before long you will find yourself reasoning and just remember to give her "girl" time. Lexi and I go on girl dates every couple of months and that has helped our relationship sooooo much. I know this sounds trite right now because I have been where you are, but Kindergarten is really just around the corner and you will wonder where the time has gone. I can't wait to see you! Are you coming?????

The Miles Family said...

It's funny how kids turn two and everything falls apart! Okay not really. Teegan is going through the same thing. He back talks me and is so sassy! He even uses these karate chop actions while he's doing it. What happened to our innocent babies?! Recently I bought a Supernanny book, "How to get the Best from your Children" because I needed help. I loved it. This book goes through time-out techniques, sharing, potty training, etc. etc. There is also a section called "What makes a Toddler Tick?" and it talks about what is going on in their mind. So that helped me address the issue, when I understood a little better with what was going on inside his head! Yes, hopefully this stage will pass...and sooner than later! Just know that you're not alone. I can totally empathize with you! Love ya!