Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Wonder of the Sky

I had a unique moment today when I was playing in the park with my kids. Me and Jayla were swinging around these poles and I tilted my head back and I saw the big, beautiful sky. When I was a kid I loved to lay on my back and watch the endlessness of the sky. It made me feel so small but at the same time so special to be part of the world. How long had it been since I had gazed at the sky? So long that I can't even remember. I get so caught up in my own life and my problems I forget that I'm part of a bigger picture. There is an eternal plan for me. When I looked at the sky today I was reminded of these things. I'm struggling to find the right words for exactly how I felt but I hope I never go that long again without taking time and enjoying the wonder of the sky.


Kim said...

I love how kids make you take a step back and remember the simple things you get to busy in life to appreciate.

amanda lynn said...

Hey Kristin it's amanda I don't know if Kim or tawna told you but we are planning on having a get together around christmas on Dec. 27th I wanted to let you know just in case you didn't know. email me if you are able to go. hope to see you then!