Friday, November 21, 2008

Painting Fun

Jayla thought this was the coolest thing ever.

Blake got more paint on him than on his paper.

One of the finished products.

I had bought finger paints a while ago but decided to use them recently to make signs for Daniel for when he got home. This is Jayla's new favorite thing to do. She loved it! But she wouldn't use her fingers. She had to use a paint brush and if any got on her hands she would say, "Ew!" and had to have it wiped off. (I hope she's really not that girly) Blake kept wanting to eat it and even succeeded a couple of times. Good thing Crayola products are non-toxic.


Scott Tauhere Hirschi said...

You're going to have a lot of photos to embarass Jayla and Blake when they grow old. You've got some good ones.

Katie said...

How fun! You are such a cute mom!

Nanette Hirschi said...

You have the cutest kids! I'm happy that Daniel is home safe:)