Thursday, March 7, 2013

Melia is 3!

My little Strawberry is three now!  Her birthday was on February 6th.  Oh, how I just love this girl!  She brings so many smiles to my day that I could never count them all. 
 Opening presents
 She loves Rapunzel and on my side of the family they're always saying to her in a sing-song voice, "Meliaaa, let down your haaair!"  This dress up doll was (and still is) a hit!

 One day Daniel brought home a Tres Leches cake from a Mexican bakery and Melia loved it!  Normally she's not a cake girl but she loves this!  So of course we had to get one for her birthday.  Months ago she said she wanted a heart cake so I had to improvise a little by adding hearts.


Enjoying her present.
Melia is just our fun, beautiful, smart, witty, and lovely girl!  She has a spunk for sure but I wouldn't trade it.  That spunk helped her get through her first couple months of her life that were difficult when she had health problems.  Of course I'll never forgot the moment she was born and I always reflect on these memories each birthday.  She came out beat up but still beautiful with the surprising red hair.  Oh, how I love that red hair!  Her smile is so infectious and portrays a thousand words and it's always been that way and I hope it always will be that way.  I cherish our time that we get to spend together with just the two of us when the other kids are at school.  I'm going to miss it for sure so I'm just trying to soak it all in and take advantage of it.  I sure do love you my little Strawberry!

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