Wednesday, October 6, 2010

ABC's, 123's, and a Whole Lot More

Jayla started Preschool last month and she L O V E S it! She attends at a local elementary school and there's about 15 kids in her class. At first I was putting her in preschool for more of the social aspect because she already knows how to recognize and draw letters, numbers, and shapes but it is so much more than that. I had no idea the things that they teach in preschool these days. They're learning syllables! I don't think that was in my curriculum. These pictures were on her very first official day of school. She was so excited that she struck a pose.

My favorite.
She's also very proud of her backpack.

Blake had to get in on the action of the picture taking. At first I felt very guilty for not putting Blake in preschool as well. We just can't afford to put both of them in at the same time. He cried on Jayla's first day because he wanted to stay at the school and not leave. So I try to make it a point everyday that he's going to be with me to help me do something. Like if we go to the store I let him get the items and put them in cart or one day we went and washed the car and he "helped" me work the hose. He seems to be okay about this. He actually behaves a lot better when Jayla isn't around.
I get to volunteer in Jayla's classroom and I'm just so proud of her. I can't believe how much she absorbs and learns. She talks so much like a grown up when she wants to. One time when I was there they were asking the students what they want to be when they grow up and Jayla said a mom. I got teary eyed right then and there. That is a wonderful, fabulous thing to want to be. When did this growing-up business start happening? It is so bitter sweet.

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