It's the biggest cliche ever but one of the most true. My kids are making some big-kid milestones. The first being Blake is enrolled in a Play-n-Learn class without his big sister. We thought this would be good for him because he relies so much on her in social settings and we want him to be able to develop without that crutch there. I was pretty nervous the first day because Blake has always been on the shy side but not to worry, he did great. Jayla had a harder time than he did. She wanted to stay and play and was so mad she had to leave. There were so many cool toys that she wanted to play with. After I dragged her out of the class I think she was shocked/concerned that we left Blake. At the class they have one of those windows that is a mirror on one side but you can see through the other. It was fun to be able to watch Blake without him knowing. I was surprised at how grown-up he was and how much he talked to the teachers. It's a relief to know even with Jayla always being there to lean on he can still stand on his own. It sort of makes me feel accomplished, too. It's a validation that maybe I'm doing something right which we as moms don't always get.
Jayla's grown up thing is she is now in her first dance class. She was so excited and could barely contain herself in the days leading up to her first class. She's taking a community class with 3-4 year olds that introduces them to different dance movements. She did so well and I was so proud of her. She always had to be by the teacher and would push her way in if there wasn't room. The teacher would have the kids follow her around the room using different steps or movements and Jayla kept looking at me to make sure I was watching her. I think she was a little proud of herself too. The other thing with Jayla is she's a Sunbeam now. The first time she was a little hesitant to walk into the room but she sat down by her friends and has been good ever since. Now she doesn't even like to wait for me while I take my coat off to walk her to her class. The other day I heard her singing, "Book of Mormon Stories". I'm so excited to see what she'll be like in her first Primary Program.
The picutre above is super crazy picture to me. It's the day that Blake came home from the hospital. I look at it and I can't believe how young Jayla really was. She was still a baby. At the time I didn't see her so much as one but looking back I think, "How did I survive?!, How did I do that?" The best answer is that I just did it because I didn't have any other choice. Now I like to think that I'm more than just surviving and that I'm doing an okay job. Of course there are days when I feel like I'm doing nothing right and I'm the worst mother and homemaker, but don't we all have those days? The important thing is that I'm trying and for the most part putting forth the effort to do my best.
Oh Kristin!!!! Your family is so precious. I love reading about them. You are a great mother and friend.
Also, I'm sorry if my "Make a Complaint Monday" made you upset. I really thank you for making the comments you did. I totally agree with you.
You're beautiful!!!!!!! You're a great friend!
so so true!! i think the exact same thing each time i have a kid, and realize that my "baby" is grown up, but then looking back at pictures, i really still have a baby and a newborn!! i wonder how it will be this time, because I really do still see Sadie as a "baby", although the fact that she has finally graced us with her walking capabilities has helped in her "growing up" alot!
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