Friday, August 21, 2009

First Pics of the Baby

Ultrasound pictures aren't the best quality but I still think they are amazing. Even though the baby doesn't look like much I think it's just beautiful. It's always a such wonder to see your baby for the very first time. To actually know for sure that you are pregnant...proof in front of your eyes. Everything so far is fine and normal. The baby is just under 2 inches long and seems to have all the right parts. Speaking of parts, my doctor is going to give me an ultrasound next appointment in 4 weeks and tell me if it's a boy or a girl. I don't have to wait until the 20 week ultrasound! Yay! That was a very nice surprise. I have the same doctor as with my first two children and he never did this with either one of them so I'm excited. I'm 11 1/2 weeks along so I'm almost out of the first trimester. I've been the most sick this time out of all the others. It is lessening now and hopefully will go away entirely. The perk is that I've lost 5 pounds but I'm sure to gain those back later. Blake still has no idea what is going on but Jayla seems to be grasping it. She always talks to the baby and pats my stomach. One time she jumped on me a little too hard and I told her that when she does that she could hurt the baby so she needs to be careful. Then she said, "I'm sorry baby," and gave my stomach a kiss. So cute.


Stacey Bartletti said...

Yeah! I loved seeing these, what a miracle! I'm very excited for you and thrilled that you are almost out of the first trimester...hooray. I hope you continue to feel better. Love & miss you!!

The Miles Family said...

Oh how exciting! I totally agree with's nice to have the proof that you are pregnant. I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well..i've wondered. I'm sure it's difficult with 2 others to take care of. Hopefully it will be completely gone soon! Hope to see you the wedding maybe?

Kim said...

So cute! I love that they give ultrasounds right away now. We have so many twins in my family I just have to know that there arn't 2.