Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter...Better Late than Never

On Sunday we had our traditional Easter Egg Hunt at my parents house. This is the only festivity that I participated in for Easter when I was kid and it will be the only one my kids participate in. I think that we have too many commercialized holidays and I don't want this to become another one. So anyway we had a good time having a hot dog roast and picinic. It was such a beautiful day and was so glad we could do everything outside this year. The kids had so much fun playing with their cousins and grandparents. I also had a great time like I always do with all my family. I'm so blessed to have them.

They found the candy before it got hidden and started eating it while no one was looking. You can see that they weren't too happy to be discovered. Ha ha!

Jayla found a princess egg and was so surprised and excited.

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