Sunday, January 25, 2009

With Age Comes Wisdom

So my birthday has come and gone and I'm now the old age of 27. I don't feel like 27. Isn't that what counts? When my sister turned 30 she did what normal people do and had a little freak out. I thought that I wouldn't act like that when my 30th came around. And then about a month before my birthday it hit me that I was going to be 27 and then what did I do, I started to freak out. If I freaked out at 27, imagine what 30 will be like. I was doing some thinking the other day about myself. I've always struggled with my weight and it's been even more difficult since I've had kids. I don't like where I'm at now body wise and I'm trying to change it. Then I had a thought that what if, no matter what I did, I will always be this size. What then? Will I still like myself? Will I still think I'm beautiful? Will I still think that I'm of worth? And I answered with an immediate yes which shocked me. I have never been this sure of myself in my life. If this what comes with age then...bring it on!


Tawna said...

Yay Kristin! That's great! I love you just the way you are. You have always been beautiful to me. I love you girl!

Katie said...

I'll second that YES of yours! You are fabulous!

Queen of Kings said...

You are absolutly AMAZING. I loved your post it is EXACTLY how I feel! I though 30 will be when I freak out NOPE I am turning 27 and Flippin!! and YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL I've discovered when you love you then everybody else loves you the world sreams that you have to be a certain size to be beautiful but the most beautiful people I've ever met are the ones who are who they are no matter the size shape or color! You inspire me to love me!!

Ginger said...

You are beautiful girl--and very wise might I add! Happy belated birthday! Hope we get to see you soon.