Thursday, January 29, 2009

50 Things About Me

On my friend Katie's blog she wrote 100 things about herself. I thought that would be fun to try. Well, I'm settling for 50 because it was hard enough to come up with those. So here it goes.

1. I know that I am a daughter of God who has a plan for me.
2. The night I met my husband I gave him a wrong phone number...on purpose.
3. I felt guilty for a week and finally called him.
4. I hate soggy bread. Even the sight of it makes me gag.
5. I had never used a bidet before until I went to Uruguay. I immediately bought my own toilet paper.
6. I wanted to be a cowgirl when I was about 9 or 10.
7. I love to watch the Joy of Painting with Bob Ross.
8. And Antiques Roadshow
9. I've never been in a car accident.
10. Or broken a bone. (knock on wood for both of those)
11. I was a huge fan of the band Hanson in my teenage years. Half of my walls were covered with posters and clippings.
12. They were the first concert I ever went to.
13. I love to read!
14. I've kept a journal since my teenage years and am so grateful for it. It's hilarious to go back and read some entries.
15. My all time favorite pair of shoes are red and white polk-a-dot cork screw stilleto sandals. All those good things rolled up into one.
16. I bought them on Sunset in L.A. on Spring Break. Memories!
17. I'm addicted to classifieds
18. I love to color with my kids.
19. Me and brothers used to play Ninja Turtles. I was always Michaelangelo.
20. My fresheman roommates gave me the nickname Humpsy. Don't ask.
21. My family owned and operated a pizza restaurant. We all still crave it to this day.
22. I deeply miss country sunsets.
23. Ever since I watched the Full House Hawaii episode I've wanted to swim with the dolphins.
24. I love breakfast foods for dinner.
25. I have only one regret in my life.
26. And it's to not have moved out of state for a little bit while I was still single for that experience. But then I again I wouldn't have met my husband and have my kids so maybe not.
27. My favortie books when I was a kid was Judy Blume's books and The Boxcar Children series.
28. My siblings and I used to fight a lot when we were kids but now we just laugh a lot.
29. I hate all the junkmail. It's such a waste of trees.
30. I love Daniel's side of the family. I wish they lived only 22 minutes away instead of 22 hours.
31. I think diet drinks and sodas are disgusting.
32. I dread confrontation with anyone.
33. I still like to watch classic Disney movies with my kids.
34. Somehow I made it into the top Madrigal Choir my senior year and it was one of my favorite high school experiences.
35. I was cut from the volleyball team by my mom.
36. Later that year I was cut from the softball team by my aunt. Luckily I still love them both.
37. Sometimes I feel very overwhelmed by the whole thing of being a mother.
38. Then I take a deep breath and remember just to take it day by day. And of course they're always doing cute things and giving me kisses to make it better.
39. I want to run a 5k someday.
40. I've never been on a cruise and would love to take one.
41. Sometimes I can't believe how unbelievably cute my kids are. How did this happen?
42. Through out my life I've developed allergies to certain fruits.
43. The one I miss the most is watermelon. *sigh*
44. The biggest surprise of my life is when I found out I was pregnant with Blake.
45. I cry when I watch The Biggest Loser
46. And Oprah.
47. I have the best parents.
48. Thanks to a song I learned in 5th grade I can name all 50 states in alphabetical order.
49. I love it when my husband reaches for me in his sleep.
50. There is nothing that I would rather be doing more than to be a mom and wife taking care of my family.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

With Age Comes Wisdom

So my birthday has come and gone and I'm now the old age of 27. I don't feel like 27. Isn't that what counts? When my sister turned 30 she did what normal people do and had a little freak out. I thought that I wouldn't act like that when my 30th came around. And then about a month before my birthday it hit me that I was going to be 27 and then what did I do, I started to freak out. If I freaked out at 27, imagine what 30 will be like. I was doing some thinking the other day about myself. I've always struggled with my weight and it's been even more difficult since I've had kids. I don't like where I'm at now body wise and I'm trying to change it. Then I had a thought that what if, no matter what I did, I will always be this size. What then? Will I still like myself? Will I still think I'm beautiful? Will I still think that I'm of worth? And I answered with an immediate yes which shocked me. I have never been this sure of myself in my life. If this what comes with age then...bring it on!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Shout Out to the Husband

Yesterday as I was watching my husband play with our kids on the family room floor, I couldn't help but think how blessed I am to have such a wonderful man as my partner. He works so hard to provide for us and is determined to give us a good life. Every time I see him playing with the kids, giving them a kiss goodnight, reading them a story, or any other cute thing he does with them I fall in love with him even more. Of course I have my moments where I complain and gripe about something he did or didn't do but luckily the good moments far outweigh the bad. Hooray for wonderful husbands!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy Christmas!

Do they look tired? I had to stop myself from waking Jayla up but as soon as she did I sat her right in front of the tree. This picture was taken probably not even a minute after she woke up.

I love this expression! She just opened up her laptop computer. It was a her favorite present.

Blake was sick on Christmas Eve and Christmas and this was the only smile I got from him the whole morning. He really was a trooper because he did open all his presents by himself. I was so excited to give him this present because whenever he saw it in the store he would freak out. I even think that it's a pretty cool toy.

This was the aftermath and they didn't even have that many presents.
This Christmas was probably the best one for me in a while. As I mentioned before we went to Uruguay last year after Christmas so I was stressed about that. But this Christmas was fun. The kids are starting to get to the age that make if fun for me. I was up really late wrapping all the presents and getting their stockings ready but it was the first Christmas that I've gotten to do this and I really did enjoy it. But now I know why my parents kept telling us to go back to bed on Christmas morning when we were little.
Jayla almost liked her dollar bin stocking stuffers more than anything else. She got a necklace with Ariel on it and she never takes it off. She also got some Ariel socks and she wore them for three days in a row before I could sneak them into the wash. Blake had much more fun the day after because he wasn't sick any more and he actually played with his toys. I finally got him some boy toys and I'm glad that he likes them. I have nothing against him playing with dolls but I thought that I should even it out a bit.
Another thing that made this Christmas memorable is that I had a get together with some old friends. In the 9th grade we were all thick as thieves. We were always having parties or sleepovers and having a good time. I was so lucky to have these girls as my best friends and they helped me develop into the person that I am today. That sounds so corny but it's true. It had been way too long since I had seen some of them and not everybody could even come. They've all turned into amazing women and I'm so proud of them and their accomplisments. I love you girls!

And Finally the Christmas Posts

At the Hirschi Christmas Eve party

My nephew Haden and Blake playing ball.

My neices Morgan and Jadyn preparing for the talent show.

Morgan, Jadyn, and Scott performing their Polynesian song and dance

Blake could have cared less about the Spiderman pjs and toy truck. He went right for the goldfish.
My side of the family has started the tradition of having a Christmas Eve party now that most of us siblings have our own families. Whenever we get together it's always a good time and we laugh a lot. During our party we have Christmas trivia, a talent show, a discussion on the meaning of Christmas and why we give presents, exchanging gifts, and of course eating. I seriously think that I have the best family. We didn't always get along when we were younger but I now consider my siblings and those who've married in to our family my closest friends. I'm pretty darn lucky. Now that I'm a parent myself I'm in awe of what our parents did for us and they've set such a good example.