Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Beginnings of Summer

Summer is finally here! Yipee! Here is Melia relaxing with Grandma outside her house watching Jayla and Blake jump on the trampoline.

This is what we were watching. Blake is a daredevil on the trampoline. He likes to flirt with danger and jump right by the edge and every time it looks like he might fall it gives me a heart attack. I love his rosy cheeks in this picture.

Jayla is more reserved on the trampoline but can bounce on her bum like a pro. Thanks Diane for the trampoline at Grandma's. It gives my kids much entertainment when they visit.

Here Melia is all ready for her first dip in the pool. Isn't her swimsuit to die for? It's so stinking cute! When we go swimming I leave Melia in her carseat by the side of the pool but one time I got her out to see how she would like it. I put just her feet in the water and that was enough for her. Which is okay because she just enjoys being outside. I will get some swimming pictures soon. Jayla loves to go swimming of course and finally so does Blake. Last year when we would go he would spend most of the time out of the water. This year he can touch the bottom so now I can't get him out. He loves it which makes me so happy because it's such a fun summer activity.

I think this picture is pretty cute. This was a few Sundays ago when it was in the mid 80's. They hadn't turned the A/C on in our church building yet so we were all sweating. To make matters worse when we went to go home the van wouldn't start. Long story short it was the starter and we got our friend who happens to be a mechanic to come and take a look and he did a temporary fix so we could get home. When we finally got home Melia's dress was soaked with sweat. I stripped her down and let her lounge in her diaper and she was in heaven.
Thank you summer for showing up.

Birthday Girl

Jayla's 4th birthday was June 17th. For the second year in a row she wanted a Princess cake. She was really happy about it, especially the crown and she couldn't wait to eat the frosting off of it so she could wear it.

Jayla's friends Annie and Ben joined the celebration.

Princess Jayla

Jayla also wanted a bike for her birthday and it had to Princess of course. She knew what she was getting so it wasn't a big surprise but she was still excited. I had her open her helmet first and after she did she said, "Okay now I'm ready to open my bike." She knew what was going on.

Her first time out riding the bike and she almost crashed twice. She was just going a little too fast and almost ran into a car and then almost ran off the sidewalk. It got my heart going but I guess I better get used to things like that happening.
What can I say about my beautiful sweet pea Jayla?
-She's growing up so fast I can't believe!
-She's so smart.
-She can write her name and a few other letters.
-She loves to draw, color, paint, cut paper, and anything crafty.
-Some things she likes right now are Disney Princesses, Dora, playing with her best friend Annie, swimming, going to her Sunbeams class, and being my helper.
Jayla is my sweet, caring girl and I can't wait to see her continue to blossom in the years to come.

Birthday Boy

Blake's 3rd birthday was on May 29th (I know, almost a month ago). He really wanted a Superman cake so I spent quite a bit of time making him one. The morning of his birthday I was in the office and Blake found his cake and dug right in. As you can see the left side has been picked at and also most of the lettering is eaten off and there's some holes in the 'B'. Before I came out of the office he tried to hide what he did by covering up the cake. Well, of course I discovered it and asked if you he did that. He comes up to me with puppy dog eyes and says, "I'm sorry mom that I ate the cake." At first I was mad but then I got over it and realized it made things more memorable.
Checking out his Spiderman helmet.

Trying out his new bike.

He loved his helmet!

All geared up and ready to go!
Blake so much wanted a bike and I was concerned that he wouldn't be big enough to ride it but I still got him one because it's what he really wanted. I was right and he just doesn't know how it works yet but I know with practice he'll be able to do it and if not this year then maybe next. This year we just had our celebration with our little family. Which was just fine with Blake, he was just happy that it was his special day.
What can I say about my little man Blake?
-He's a lot like me so he tests my patience every day multiple times a day.
-But he still likes to cuddle and I love it!
-He's very caring and loving towards his baby sister Melia.
-He is the comedian and loves to make us all laugh.
-His favortie things right now are Spiderman, Superman, Max & Ruby, playing at the park, swimming, eating yogurt, and teasing his sister Jayla.
I love my Blakey and our family wouldn't be the same without him.